Towns & Cities Between 2 Rivers
- Arlington
- Belmont
- Brookline
- Cambridge
- Concord
- Lexington
- Lincoln
- Medford
- Newton
- Somerville
- Waltham
- Watertown
- Wayland
- Weston
Reasons to love living in Lexington, Concord…Between2Rivers!
As far as I am concerned, experiencing Fall in New England is one of the best things in life! The crisp, cool air, the leaves changing color, the store fronts overflowing with pumpkins and mums. Here are some sights and scenes from the wonderful things I enjoy every year living and working between 2 rivers. If you have any Fall favorite places or things you like to do, please share so I can try them too!

Carmel Apples

Spooky Hay Rides (Wilson Farm, Lexington)


Halloween Decorations

Halloween Decorations (Realtor Style!)